Cleaning out my blog folder I realized these images have been sitting in my to do file for too long...
Have you heard of the TB Scan app?
I believe it was DarrylW4 who shared this with me back in the summer. It's a
free iPhone-only app that allows you to scan and mass log trackables and geocoins.
I was very interested in this app as I'm a bit of a trackable fanatic. How cool to scan and go, eh? Sometimes afishoutawater, CITOcacher or The Frito Bandito will show to an event with a bagful? How awesome to go to Midwest Geobash and log as you go?
First things first... download the app and sign in using your credentials. Once you login, you can Discover or Log trackables. Discover allows you to lookup/Discover scanned trackables and Log allows you to lookup the mission and log (Retrieve, Discover, Grab, or Write Note) individually.
You can scan or manually enter the trackable code. On the plus side, when it recognizes a code, it is awesome! On the down side, I found that it didn't recognize most. According to their
help page, contrast, font and character spacing can inhibit code recognition. Out of the 10 I tried (dog tags and geocoins), the app only scanned 3.
I do like how clear the mission information appears (though if I'm scanning a lot of them, who has time to read them for a Discovery?). When ready, click Log.
Options, where applicable, under Log include Discover, Retrieve, Grab and Write Note.
One thing that gets my geek on is the ability to save a log template under Settings. Unfortunately....
.... that nifty feature is only part of the PRO version.
Not sure with the scan fail rate I would be willing to pay to dole out $3. Have you tried it?
I'm not quite to that episode yet but check out afishoutawater and DarrylW4 discussing trackable tools on a recent
GeoGearHeads episode 307.