Sunday, August 25, 2024

Lake Michigan Circle Tour: Mighty Milwaukee Geocaches

ShelleyJean and I loved the Milwaukee webcams, and we had more amazing caches on our Lake Michigan Circle Tour! Check out these two - each one awarded over 1,000 favorite points!

The Doctor Is In! GC6YDR6

As a Whovian, I have wanted to do this cache since I heard about it as HQ's Geocache of the Week in September 2018. This was so amazing we visited it twice!

It's amazing after so many years it's still in pristine condition. It still has the sound effects, and the Simon game appeared brand new. 

I really hope newer cachers don't ignore it because it's listed as a puzzle cache.

Covert Cache GC3798

Walking along the riverwalk, you may overlook the "International Exports LTD" sign, but I didn't! Hmmm... I wonder what's down this unmarked alley.

Bond, Jane Bond

I don't want to give too much away, but, behind one of these marked doors, was intrigue, mystery... shall we call it a "safehouse" for geocachers?  

So much fun! To reach this pivotal spot, we entered a secret door, had to "prove ourselves to not be spies", locate a secret door, and navigated a darkened secret passage to reach the treasure. 

What we didn't know is that, as we were making fools of ourselves in the anteroom/entrance, there were 3 or TVs inside projecting the hijinks! I'm really hoping we weren't recorded 🤣

moving eyeball

As you navigate through the passages, there's a cold war room, French resistance. 

There are concealed doors. The one on the right has like 3 doors secreted. 

Make a point of adding extra time to your visits so you can stop to read all the walls, doors, and signs. Tell the bar staff if you have kids - they have special operations they can participate in (we heard rumors of labyrinth basement passages and a secret kids-only elevator).

Definitely one to bring TaGeez back to!

Both of these were highlights of the trip, but I have so much more to share!


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