Saturday, March 22, 2025

We Like Pi! A Pi Day Adventure


March 14th was Pi Day, and Team-Gates hosted an event in St Claire Shores. Looking for some escapism and sunlight, TaGeez and I trekked across southeast Michigan to see our friends!

Have you ever been to Wahby Park? We've passed it for decades without knowing its name. It's on Jefferson, just off Lake St Clair, and very busy with post-work activity.

Typically, Team-Gates went all out. He released an Adventure Lab, several FTF puzzles, and handed out pies! Good turnout on a Friday evening.

Credit: Team-Gates

Still in the thralls of freedom from work, TaGeez and I couldn't head home. Instead, we solved some of paldog0603's newly-published puzzles and headed off to Moross for 2 new FTF's! 

Have you seen the art work on Moross? Great place to explore in Spring.

With victory in hand, we headed off to Pat O'Briens Tavern for a Lenten fish dinner during St Patrick's Day weekend. The place was booming!

Happy Pi Day!

Friday, March 21, 2025

Walking Around Milwaukee - Our Birthday Adventure

 A little-known fact: in non-Leap Years, TaGeez and I celebrate our birthda ys two days apart! This year we decided to celebrate our birthday adventure in Milwaukee! ShelleyJean and I enjoyed exploring Milwaukee last year, and I knew it was TaGeez's kind of town.

You know we love a good road trip!


Michigan to Indiana and Illinois to Wisconsin. Traffic was so bad in Chicago that Waze detoured us to Chinatown in Chicago! What a cool energy! We will spend more time here on our summer visit to Chicago.

And we detoured ourselves to downtown Highland Park. It's nothing like the one back home. Here's another area to explore during the daytime - there are so many restaurants!


Saturday morning found us explore Lakeshore Drive in Milwaukee. What is it about Lake Michigan and our birthday adventures? Not really much ice on the lake after an unusually warm day the day before, but this morning the wind was brisk! Perfect day to visit a historic cemetery, water tower, lakeside park, and lighthouse

And part of the charm of this adventure is our antics in front of THREE webcams! Again, that wind was harsh, but we love a road trip! 

Milwaukee webcams

We are cold and hungry so it's time to turn inland and head for some food. No trip to the area is complete without a stop at the Tardis cache! It deserves the 1100+ favorite points!

We found out later that our good friend from back home, GeoConsumer, visited this cache just a few hours earlier!

Hey, TaGeez, I think it's time to head out for some food. Any idea where the spy bar is? 

This door looks promising!

The Safe House is definitely a place to spend the afternoon exploring! Check out this 1,000+ Fave point geocache, watch the magician at the bar, and visit all the rooms, reading the walls. Happy Birthday to us!

The Covert Cache

Afterwards, we explored the ladybug building, the Milwaukee Riverwalk, drove by the yacht-shaped art museum, sought the Pabst Mansion, and visit the Lego Store on release day!

One last sweet cache before we headed to our temporary home with some takeout.

Story Time


We are starting early heading home so we can make many stops along the way. First stops were different travel bug hotels to drop off our birthday trackables. Then we found the Frank Lloyd Wright houses on the Burnham Block before heading to the Third Ward neighborhood for the Milwaukee Public Market!

We picked up vegetarian samosas and birthday cupcakes for a picnic lakeside before heading home.

TaGeez loved Wind Point Lighthouse in Racine - we had the place to ourselves! Too bad too cold for a quick dip!

We stopped in Portage, IN for caching and then dinner at Quaker Steak & Lube! We wrapped our caching adventure at sunset by grabbing Adventure Labs and puzzle finals at the Pure Michigan rest stop across the Michigan border.

What a glorious weekend! We drove 1,000 miles, sang in the car, enjoyed good food & great experiences. What more can you ask for? 

Thursday, March 20, 2025

White Whale Captured!

That feeling when you find your white whale! 5 years since this puzzle's last find and 4 years of us DNF'ing it!


It only took us 4 hours of searching this week, 1 bag of trash plus some blood, scratches, & snow to make the claim!

Equinox Souvenir

Thursday, March 6, 2025

Happy Birthday, Team TaCat

 TaGeez and I received these fun birthday trackables at Syfun’s NOMAD event. It’s great timing as TaGeez and I were preparing to embark on our birthday weekend! Our birthdays are just 2 days apart.

scrapcat and TaGeez

As we typically spend our birthdays on a Great Lake, the trackable missions are to visit caches near lakes!

Party BlowerParty Balloons

It's almost time to make more TaCat tags. Yes, we are still optimists - we hope these trackables go far!

Sunday, February 2, 2025

NOMAG turns 15!!!


Happy 15th Birthday to the North Oakland Meet and Greet! TaGeez and I had the good fortune to celebrate with friends up in Clarkston, Michigan on Thursday.

Oh, what a fun event! We weren’t sure if we’d make it as we had to drive up from Farmington, but I’m sure glad we did!

First, Syfun, our host, ordered beautiful weather! 

Then he greeted us with the best swag bag we’ve ever received!  Look at this!

In addition to a fun trackable, each bag included 3 3D-printed items made by Syfun himself! A standard container, a cupcake-shaped container, and a log roller.

Look up close! For the containers, he built them in such a way that the log host fits up into the container, avoiding wet logs. These are the nicest 3D containers I've handled.

We laughed with old friends, took a group picture, and enjoyed the plethora of new caches available.

HelloLola, Team-Gates, and Scrapcat

Scrapcat and GSix5666

Perfect way to drive out the winter blahs!

Tuesday, January 28, 2025

Happy International Lego Day


In honor of January 28th (International LEGO Day), I thought I'd share one of my favorite LEGO memories from the ORB GeoTour... a LEGO puzzle cache!

ORBGT 14: Higgins Lake Sales 

Sunday, January 26, 2025

Where's 25? Locationless Cache

 Greetings from Michigan!

I’ve been excited for days since we heard the big announcement regarding Geocaching HQ's 2025 Locationless cache! I KNEW I wanted our picture on one of my favorite scenic drives: M-25 along the Lake Huron Circle Tour! ❤️

Yesterday the cache went live. TaGeez and I awoke to the warmest and sunniest days this winter so far. 

“Want to go for a drive?" LET’S GO!

We didn’t take the direct route. Instead, we headed due North first and drove widthwise across the thumb: looking for snowy owls, M-25 signs (hopefully with Lake Huron in the background), and flautas at our favorite Mexican restaurants! No snowies today, but we enjoyed the hunt along the way. 

We did find 4 different cache types including this Locationless, a long-forgotten puzzle, and a brand-new Virtual! Thank you, HQ, for creating this special cache, and we are looking forward to celebrating 25 years of geocaching!